Material Matters
The Plunge Swimsuit at “MATERIAL MATTERS” Exhibition of the Textilmuseum of St. Gallen
Finally… Summer is here and we can’t wait to jump into our favorite lakes and rivers! But as the last weeks have shown, some indoor alternatives are always handy.
With the deep reflection on resource scarcity and consumer behavior occurring currently, a new light is being shed on the importance of materials in design, especially for the fashion industry.
This is the question the Textilmuseum in St. Gallen is exploring during the next 8 months with its exhibition “MATERIAL MATTERS”. It will take you through a visual and sensorial journey in the world of materials making fashion. A collection of costumes and fabrics from 1800 to today show the “savoir-faire” needed for their manufacture and you’ll experience first-hand the complexity of textile production, from fiber to fabric, in the interactive Fiber Cabinet.
As part of the questioning on the future of fashion and its sustainability and among works from Rafael Kouto, we’re immensely proud that our PLUNGE swimsuit has been selected to illustrate the yarn ECONYL® regenerated Nylon of the Italian company Aquafil!
Who would’ve thought that one of our swimsuits would make it straight to the museum ; )
Enjoy the visit and stay healthy in and above the water
kaio swim team